The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend Chapter 10


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Bhima was one of the greatest warriors during the Kurukshetra war and is considered the strongest person. Not only was he highly skilled as a fighter and leader, but his skill as a strategist allowed him to beat even some of the strongest warriors at war – notably when Ashwatthama launched his unbeatable Narayanastra weapon on day 15!

After the war, Bhima assumed command of Hastinapur’s army. He also participated in Yudhistira’s Ashwamedha Yagna and went to Magadha, where he killed its King Jarasandha before accompanying Pandavas and Draupadi into exile.

Kunti was holding her son Bhima when she heard a lion’s roar and let go. Surprisingly, Bhima survived his fall without any adverse effects and was considered the strongest warrior in India after that.

Bhima was revered by all during the Kurukshetra War. A great warrior with a strength of 10,000 elephants, Bhima managed to kill 100 Kaurava brothers during battle alone!

Bhima was sent by his father to protect Dushasana from Bhishambha, son of Dharmaraja. Bhima killed the Rakshasa prince and consumed his blood – fulfilling a vow to Dhristira during their initiation ceremony. Later that night, he returned to his palace home with Dhristira.

Karna was incensed at Bhima for killing Ghatotkacha and attempted to crush him with a mace, testing his might with a sword fight challenge against him. Bhima won easily, however, brutally killing Karna before Banasena arrived to defend his father – Bhima killed Kaurava slayers like Banasena before drinking their blood to fulfill his vow. Even the gods feared Bhima; their gods shied away from their weapons.


Duryodhana was the eldest of the Kuru princes and the heir apparent of Hastinapura Kingdom. With an arrogant personality and the belief that what rightfully belonged to him should belong solely to him, Duryodhana hated Yudhishthira, who took away what should have been his. His hatred toward them stemmed from this deep-seated feeling that what rightfully belonged to him had been given over.

Duryodhana was also jealous of Yudhishthira and his brothers’ wealth. He used to ridicule their family and friends and the fact that they came from devas (deities). Duryodhana disliked the Pandavas for what he perceived to be their divine origins.

Duryodhana deployed his vast resources during the war by recruiting powerful vassals. He recruited the best warriors, such as Bhima, Drona, Karna Kripa Shalya, and Ashwatthama, as his soldiers; additionally, using money given him by Ghritachi, his maternal uncle, he used to recruit soldiers for his army whose chariot had an iconic cobra flag with it as well as having earned him an excellent reputation as an adept mace fighter.

Duryodhana led his army at first with success against Yudhishthira’s Pandavas commanded by Yudhishthira; however, after some initial victories of Duryodhana’s side, he fell back, and their strength began to take advantage over Duryodhana’s strength and started making gains against him.

At one point, Duryodhana found himself locked in a heated argument with Dussasana. As their battle continued, Bhima struck Duryodhana on the leg, fulfilling an oath he made after playing dice – something Duryodhana considered unfair since mace fighting rules prohibited attacks below waist level.

At this point, Krishna intervened. He advised Duryodhana that his actions were contrary to dharma, reminding him of his insults against Draupadi and murder plot against the Pandavas as well as killing Abhimanyu unethically, reminding him that pride and arrogance would no longer shield his actions from consequences, informing him that they would no longer go unpunished.


Draupadi was an extraordinary combination of beauty, wisdom, and bravery who battled alongside her brothers to end an oppressive epoch and allow for new beginnings. Draupadi represented women of her time who understood they should control their own lives rather than have men prevent them; she did extraordinary things for herself and her husbands and has become a powerful symbol in the fight for women’s rights.

Mahalakshmi may have appeared as her and assisted Vishnu in defeating Narakasura. Additionally, she is essential in Krishna and his wives’ stories.

At the outset of Mahabharata, she found herself powerless over her fortunes and became the object of desire for five different men – not an uncommon situation given Indian culture’s predominant patriarchal ideals at that time. Yet this did not derail her; rather she became an active player in her fight to restore her dignity.

After the war, she asked nothing of her husband but respect and independence for herself and her freedom. Her actions during such a trying time made her one of the most revered figures of Mahabharata history.

She is one of the most revered figures from this epic for her courage in maintaining her honor while being stripped of wealth and status and remaining humorous during this tumultuous ordeal.

There are numerous instances when she shows her wit and sense of humor, like when she refused Dhritharashtra’s offer of three boons as an example of this. Karna paid his respects to her by noting no other woman could have accomplished such an act on their own; Karna even acknowledged how her presence “rescued many husbands from drowning in an ocean of misery.”


Kichaka was the Matsya kingdom’s supreme commander in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. As his sister was queen Sudeshna of Virata and was mighty herself, Kichaka often helped defend against threats to its kingdom from outside forces while tormenting and humiliating Draupadi before her entire royal court.

Draupadi felt aggrieved at this attack, so she approached Bhima disguised as the palace cook to inform him of her plans to punish Kichaka for his insulting words. Bhima agreed to assist her and suggested meeting secretly during the nighttime hours.

When they met, Kichaka attempted to seduce her, but she rejected his advances and pushed him away. Even when he followed her into the throne room, she again denied his advances, telling him that her Gandharva husbands would always protect her and wouldn’t allow anyone to own her against her will.

Kichaka was aware that her husband was monitoring her every move; nevertheless, Kichaka continued harassing and humiliating her in front of the King, using offensive language.

Draupadi discussed her plan with both of her husbands and devised one to confuse and disorient Arjuna. She planned on meeting him at night at the Palace Dance Hall while disguised as Malini, then instructed Sudheshna to bring some wine for their meeting.

Kichaka was immediately entranced when he saw Malini wearing her mask and became overcome with desire. Forgetting that they had planned this meeting as an unofficial affair, he tried seducing her, only for her to turn away and run towards King Virata, who was playing dice with Kanka (Yudhishthira in disguise).

Infuriated at her behavior, Kichaka slapped and grabbed Kichaka by the hair. When Kichaka began screaming for help, Bhima emerged from his hiding place to seize Kichaka by the hairs on his head and lift him into his arms before engaging him in hand-to-hand combat.